
Eradication of Iron Deficiency internationally.


Service satisfaction.


Healthy and energetic world.


Better and productive economy.

Core purpose

To create Iron deficiency awareness and educate the value of nutrient-rich foods, to stay healthy.

Core Value

Kind to Mankind.

Our mission is to join hands and create a healthy and a productive life.

Founder’s Message

“Leave your footprint before you leave the world”

We at Aspirar sphere Pvt. Ltd. is formed with a noble cause and a strong vision to create a healthy world. We believe, if natural ingredients blessed by the almighty is used properly along with the generation’s interest, life will be healthy and enjoyable.

Life has changed vastly and the medicines are so advanced that even our internal organs can be transplanted. But we are far behind for our basic needs of health. In modern science, the layman is so confused about which branch of medicine is safe. The quickly effective medicine has lots of side effects and the medicine that cures of root take a long time for which the present generation doesn’t have patience.

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Why Everybody Loves Vea Choc

16 natural ingredients including seeds and dry fruits

High iron, Vitamin C, Omega 3 and Folic acid

100% Vegetarian

Health and beauty benefits

Simple solution for every symptom of iron deficiency.

Resulted oriented


Food Certifications

Ethical Clearance Aspirar sphere_page-0001

For any queries and free Iron Deficiency consultation,


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+91 9606333778